Select your RainDrop

RainDrops are high specification Virtual Private Servers, giving you increased control for growing projects that need reliable and high performance infrastructure.




SSD Storage



Starting at
Build RainDrop Now

Looking for a custom built solution?

Our pre-built RainDrop virtual private servers are a great option if you are looking to upgrade from a shared platform and want an improved array of resources.

However, if you would prefer to build a custom server to your exact specification, please contact us today and our RainDrop server specialists can provide a quote for the exact build you want to precipitate.







Choice of Control Panels

Maintain control of your system, with your choice of Control Panel.

USDT 0.00

License Included as Standard

USDT 2.49

Monthly Additional Cost per License

USDT 3.99

Monthly Additional Cost per License

Advantages of a RainDrop VPS


Infrastructure available in 32 locations worldwide so there is no single point of failure..

Advanced Networking

High speed fiber-optic public and private networks available on demand.

Web3 First

Straightforward and affordable pricing, made available through Web3 Native payments.

Frequently Asked Questions

To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions relating to the products and services listed on this page.

If you can't find the answer to your question or if you would like more information about it, please feel free to contact us at any time and we'll be happy to help you.

Submit Your Questions
Yes, we provide both Artificial Intelligence support, and human technical support.
Precipitate exclusively utilizes Web3 payments. Our PrecipitatePay system will remind you of any recurring invoices due. However, for simplicity, we recommend that you Add Funds to your account to automate monthly/annual billing.
We accept most major cryptocurrencies, and will be adding more in the future.
You can see the current list of accepted cryptocurrencies here.
If you would like to request the listing of a coin/token on PrecipitatePay, please complete this form.
Yes, Precipitate is permissionless. All services are automatically fulfilled upon Web3 payment.