






Why choose Precipitate as your Domain Name Registrar?

We provide the best domain name services for our customers. Remain Anonymous, Pay in Web3 Native currencies. Here are the most important reasons why we are a trustedDomain Name Registrar:

Vast Selection

We offer a large number of both regular and premium domain extensions at competitive prices.

Timely Notifications

You will always know when a domain is up for renewal and avoid the loss of that domain name.

Easy Renewal

All non-promotional domain names are renewed at the same price as their first term.

Price List

Frequently Asked Questions

To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions relating to the products and services listed on this page.

If you can't find the answer to your question or if you would like more information about it, please feel free to contact us at any time and we'll be happy to help you.

Submit Your Questions
Yes, we provide both Artificial Intelligence support, and human technical support.
Precipitate exclusively utilizes Web3 payments. Our PrecipitatePay system will remind you of any recurring invoices due. However, for simplicity, we recommend that you Add Funds to your account to automate monthly/annual billing.
We accept most major cryptocurrencies, and will be adding more in the future.
You can see the current list of accepted cryptocurrencies here.
If you would like to request the listing of a coin/token on PrecipitatePay, please complete this form.
Yes, Precipitate is permissionless. All services are automatically fulfilled upon Web3 payment.